Saturday, September 12, 2015

Dare To Dream

Driving along a familiar road, the kind you take for granted because you travel it so often, we passed a local RV campground. Located off a busy main street, its part of a local state park and from the road it doesn’t look like much more than a parking lot with beach access. It’s not the most luxurious or secluded, but it once helped fuel our dreams of becoming RV owners. We would drive by and longingly gaze upon the RVs parked there and say to ourselves, “One day.”

This time, as we drove by, it brought me back to the days when we were still just dreamers. As we often did in the past, we admired the rigs wondering where they came from, where they were going, remembering when we once envied them so. It’s almost a year since we bought our RV and I still have to pinch myself.

As the anniversary nears, I find my self feeling nostalgic. I recall the first time we discussed the idea. How the seed of that idea grew. How we researched and educated ourselves. How we saved and planned. How we attended every RV show within driving distance. How we talked about it with anyone who would listen. All the while, deep down, trying to ignore a nagging doubt that it would ever really happen.

But it did happen, and now when I pass that park I see it differently. I am no longer the kid with her nose pressed against the glass of the candy store window wishing for that sweet treat. I’m now the candy store owner.

Dreams really do come true.

- Diane

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