Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Other Woman

Bill's heart has been stolen by another. Her name is Betty. They met in late November 2014, and something magical happened the moment he laid eyes on her. Since then his obsession has grown. He talks about her all the time. Spends more and more time with her. He brags about her talents and lavishes her with expensive spa treatments and gifts. All the signs were there. So, it's no surprise. And, honestly, I understand the attraction.

She's a big girl, not his usual type. A buxom brunette, she stands 6 1/2' tall and has a more than ample rear with room for five and plenty of junk in her trunk. With a payload of 3,840 and a towing capacity of 15,810, really, how could any man resist her? I just can't compete.

It's not easy sharing him with another, but what's a girl to do? And, truth be told, I've fallen in love with her myself resulting in a strange kinda ménage à truck.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Right?


P.S. She is rockin' the BakFlip bed cover he just added. It matches as if factory installed and its versatility meets all our needs. It's a quadra-fold. Three folding panels that, in the fourth position, stand up against the rear cab window so as to not interfere with the hitch or the turn radius of the RV. It can also be easily removed, if necessary.

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