Turns out, once I sat down to write this, it was easier than I thought. The truth is, everything has to do with our RVing, or our desire to be RVing, or the things that prevent us from RVing. That's because we are always dreaming about it and planning it. But you know what they say, "We plan. God laughs."
And so went this last year. We planned and God laughed. Over and over.
My mother got sick last March. We had to cut our last trip short and rush home to care for her. I'll spare you the gory details. Suffice it to say, every time we thought she was getting better, she wasn't. It became all consuming leaving little time or energy for anything else. She was in and out of hospitals and nursing homes with seemingly no solution and no good end in site. Until there was. Until that one doctor finally listened. Until someone who had the power to help did.
She had surgery in early January 2017 and is getting stronger every day. But just as she was finding her way back to her old self, allowing us to feel it was safe to consider hitting the road, some dumbass (that'd be me) slipped on the steps breaking her left ankle and spraining her right one. The broken ankle required surgery. That was seven weeks ago. I'm one week into my rehab and won't be up and walking for another month at least.
But we are still dreaming and planning. Seeing no need to take any chances, we crossed our fingers and toes, knocked on wood, lit a candle to St. Jude and St. Christopher, and moved our timeline up yet again. And when we do finally head out on our next adventure, of course, we will take you along for the ride. Assuming you're still out there. And if you are, my sincerest thanks for sticking around.